Vote now for Erica Lyn Everest Best Female Vocalist, and Best Jazz Artist. Click here to  Vote Now 

Erica Lyn Everest has been singing for audiences since she entered grade school.  As a little girl, she sang the national anthem for school and professional sports teams, entertained government and civic organizations, sang for various churches, enjoyed local musical theatre, and was a solo presence on several recordings.

In her teen years, she became a student of Chris Purcell and worked on many projects including a solo recording of an award winning musical production written by Chris Purcell, was solo vocalist for the Proclaim Award winning song “Great Expectations”, and co-wrote the song, “I Remember You”, which was a finalist in the USA International Songwriting Competition in the category of Jazz.

In her second year of college, Erica, a photography major, realized that to be her best, she could only put her 110% into one art or the other, and music won out by a long shot.

As a 24 year old singer – songwriter with a true love of jazz and blues, Erica Lyn is excited and grateful to be performing and working with a variety of wonderfully talented musicians and sound engineers.  “I have been given a gift from God, and I am thankful to be able to be doing what I love.  Music is my soul and inspiration, and having been given these opportunities to grow and learn from the talented people that have come into my life is a true blessing.”   Erica Lyn and her band have been performing regularly at venues throughout Central Pennsylvania and look forward to the future.  Both she and they are available for performances or studio work for most any occasion.

When not making music, Erica enjoys traveling, hiking, pilates, photography, and spending time with friends, family, and her dogs.

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